Fresh Peeled Jack Fruit Tray approximately 250g
Thai Name: Kanun Suk Geh
Jack Fruit is a Thai fruit which has yet to become well known in the western world. Possibly the reason for this is its sheers size, with a mature fruit often being larger than a base ball.
A Jack Fruit needs to be cut open, and the hard outer layers of flesh need to striped away. Once this is done, access is gained to the fleshy bulbs which surround the large, chestnut sized seeds.
The fleshy part of the bulbs can be eaten raw, or for slightly less ripe Jack Fruit, the flesh can be partly boiled before consumption. The texture of Jack Fruit is similar to that of chicken, and as such it makes a perfect meat substitute for vegetarian recipes. Indeed, jack Fruit has often been called the “Vegetarian Meat” for this very reason.
The actual seed, which is roughly the size of a chestnut, can be cooked by roasting or boiling and eaten in their own right. Although often, the seeds will be left in the edible flesh to cook as part of another dish, such as a curry. The seed will take on a softer texture, and will absorb some of the flavours of the surrounding flesh. Alternatively, the seed will be removed or simply not eaten, when the dish is consumed, if the person eating it does not like the more bitter taste of the seed itself.
Nutrition wise, Jack Fruit has exceptional properties, another reason why it is so suitable for vegetarians. Jack Fruit contains vitamins A, B and C, along with doses of zinc, calcium and phosphorous.
There are three main Jack Fruit seasons in Thailand, March to June, April to September and June to August, this means that Jack Fruit is available throughout the year, and can be inexpensive at the peak of the harvest season.
Fresh produce of Thailand.